Friday, July 12, 2013


Being a benchwarmer flat out sucks. Do you remember a time you were a benchwarmer? A lot of people enjoy being a benchwarmer. There is really no pressure to it, and you're still considered part of the team. All you have to do is cheer and give awkward high fives. Who doesn't love that?

I remember my freshmen year of football. I loved being a benchwarmer. I loved being known as a member of the football team. I was terrified to go into the games. I didn't want to be the guy that screwed up. I only weighed probably 130 pounds with all my gear on. I was so afraid to get hit by guys that were twice my size and had facial hair. Facial hair is intimidating when you're a freshmen.  I would only go into the game if the game wasn't on the line. I remember our head coach saying to to the assistant coaches, "Let's get the JV in. We don't want the starters getting hurt."

I remember thinking to myself, "That makes a lot of sense. Let's just go send the freshmen in and get absolutely pummeled."

This post goes a lot deeper then sitting on the sidelines for high school athletics.

Why do we sit on the sidelines when there are so many people that are broken all around us?  Why don't we reach out to people that are lost and broken? Why don't we reach out to the misfits, drug dealers, murders, child molesters, etc? To be honest, I don't have an answer. Maybe it's because we are content with our lives. Maybe it's because we don't want it to be "awkward". It could be fear. Who knows, each person has a different reason.

I struggle with these very questions. I struggle because far too often I stand on the sidelines. These people are just looking for a reason to turn their lives around. They are looking for some kind of hope to hang on to, just anything to get them through another day. I love what H.O.P.E. stands for, (H)-Hold (O)-On (P)-Pain (E)-Ends. I don't hate many things, but I hate seeing people broken. I know how it feels. The loneliness and emptiness can destroy you. Nobody should have to go through it, but we all do. I know when I was broken, I was looking for someone to reach out to me. I was looking for just ONE person to tell me I meant something to them. I was looking for any source of hope.

The source of hope I found was Jesus. Quite frankly, it's the only hope you need. He is a refuge for the broken. I know right now you're thinking, "Bryce... get real here." I personally used to laugh when people talked about Jesus. Two years ago, I would have picked on someone who would have said anything about him. I never imagined myself going on a missions trip to Panama. I never thought I would preach a sermon, and I definitely never thought I would start a blog. All I know is that Jesus can change any heart. I'm a product of it. So many people think you have to change before you come to Jesus. That's so far from the truth. Jesus will take you as you are, and he'll change you. If you allow him to change you, I promise you'll see change in your life. Don't hold on to your brokenness. Give it to him. He wants it!

I'll leave you with this verse.

"Are you tired? Worn Out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me--watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."-Matthew 11:28-30

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