Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Everyday Christmas

Who doesn't love Christmas? Family, friends, food, presents, and cheesy music. (I'm a sucker for some Frank Sinatra and Michael Buble.) It can be easy to forget why we really celebrate Christmas. Christmas is supposed to be a time to honor the birth of Jesus, but we often make it about what I stated above. I don't want to sound like a scrooge—family, friends, presents, and food are all great things, but they should be second to Jesus.

Christmas is a wonderful time of the year. It brings friends and family together and offers a time for fellowship. It's a time to take a cheesy family photo and to send out some Christmas cards. Christmas brings a season of joy into our lives. Christmas finds a way to make our problems seem smaller than they actually are. Is it Christmas that makes our problems smaller or is it Jesus himself that makes our problems smaller? Hmm...

Truth is, God is always on the move. He is always available. He wants to add peace to your life not just on Christmas, but everyday. Many people see "Christmas Miracles" because they put their trust in God and honor him on Christmas Day. God honors that and answers those prayers. Our God is a God of miracles. He can provide miracles in your life everyday—not just on Christmas. Christmas Eve might be the only time you go to church all year—maybe you go on Easter too. Good deeds without faith won't get you into heaven and vice versa. Jesus isn't looking for part-time disciples. (See Revelation 3:15-17) Following him is a full time job.

Have you noticed that some people go out of their way to be nice on Christmas? I think it's almost expected. People that are bitter 364 days of the year suddenly turn into saints for 1 day. They might even post a Bible verse on social media honoring the birth of Christ Jesus himself. But, that's only if you really want to take your spiritual relationship to the next level. I want to challenge you to live out the verses that you're posting on the Internet.

Why do we only be nice one day? Why do we love on, serve, encourage, give, and forgive only one day? Why do we truly follow Jesus and honor him only one day? Lets start living Christmas... everyday. Need a New Year's Resolution? Look no further.

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