Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Listen Up

Do you know what I think is an incredible skill? The ability to listen. Do you know any really good listeners? I know very few. Listening is something that I've been working really hard on over the past two months.

I'm going to be honest—my listening skills aren't the best. They've gotten better over the past month, but they're not where I want them to be. I didn't realize I was a bad listener until one day somebody told me this, "you know Bryce sometimes I don't want you to preach to me—sometimes I just want you to listen."

That shook me to the core. I'm somebody that loves to talk. I love sharing ideas and inspiring people. Sometimes during a conversation—I would interrupt someone just to get my point across. Interrupting people is another thing I've struggled with too. In group settings, I always liked to control the conversation. I never really gave anyone else a chance to lead or to get their point across. I couldn't imagine how other people felt about that. I never realized how I was always willing to talk, but never willing to listen. I would listen to people, but it wasn't to understand them—it was always with the intent to reply. It's a dangerous place to be. Don't make the same mistakes I made. 

Everybody talks about powerful speakers, but you never hear about powerful listeners. I used to think that I always had to be speaking to impact people—but now I know that open ears are more powerful than an open mouth.

James 1:19 has been on my heart. "Let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger."

It's easy to be a good speaker. It's hard to be a good listener. Speaking inspires and empowers. Listening offers hope and support.

It's hard to develop friendships and relationships when you're the only one talking. Let other people speak. People love to talk. Take a few minutes and you'll find out just like me. Talk less. Less more. You might just see how powerful listening is. 

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