Friday, March 7, 2014


Does anybody else dislike smart phones? Maybe I don't like them because I have a dumb phone (still under a 2 year contract for 3 more months). I have an I-pod touch and you can do everything on an I-touch that you can do on a smart phone. To be honest, I'm being hypocritical. When my contract expires I'll more than likely buy an I-phone, but let me explain why I don't like smart phones.

1) They kill intimacy. I can't tell you how many times I've been talking with someone and in the middle of the conversation they'll pull out their smart phone. If you ever want to get under some one's skin someday— try it out. It won't let you down I promise. So many of us miss being involved in person because we're so consumed with our apps and our phones. Do you know what your constant texting, snapchatting, facebooking, and tweeting is saying to those around you? This is more important to me than you.

2) They waste so much time. We spend hours upon hours on our smartphones. We check them as soon as we get up and before we go to bed. How much time do you spend checking Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter daily? If you're like me probably a lot. I think when people grow older they're going to look back and wish they invested their time better. Have some dreams and goals you want to chase after? Sitting on your phone all day won't help you get there.

3) They make us bad communicators. Have you noticed how some people are the greatest talkers over text, but can't hold a conversation in person? This was my 6th/7th grade glory days. I would text every girl in my phone some of the cheesiest things you could ever imagine, but when it came to having a conversation with them in person I was a shaky, nervous, sweaty, and petrified mess. It's hard to truly hear some one over a text or snapchat. Thoughts and feelings can be misinterpreted so easily. Sometimes the messages don't send or they aren't looked at and everything gets thrown off.

4) They destroy grammar. Some of the texts I get look like a foreign language. Not having the word spelled like how it's supposed to be spelled drives me crazy. You=u, okay/ok=k, (everyone loves a plain "k" message") hater=h8er, ily=i love you, brb=be right back, g2g=got to go, and last but not least lol=laugh out loud. If I ever send you just a plain "lol or k" please unfriend me immediately. Capitalization and punctuation are pretty much extinct too. Looking back—1st and 2nd grade was such a waste of time. Blessings 2 u.

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